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When our little ones develop diaper rash, we just desire to have their pain away and brand them feel more than comfortable. Simply choosing the right product can exist a bit of a minefield.

Many years ago when I was a baby, talcum powder would accept been the go-to product to not merely help articulate upwards diaper rash, only to assist prevent information technology from the offset.

Only in the concluding few years, the rubber surrounding the use of baby powder on little ones has been brought into question. With conflicting advice most it causing respiratory bug and even beingness linked to increased rates of cancer.

This has pushed many brands and parents to expect for safer, more than natural alternatives to help keep babe'southward peel dry out and rash gratis.

We are going to wait into ane of these alternatives products. Cornstarch is an ingredient that you are more likely to discover in your kitchen rather than your bath or diaper bag.

Merely it has some astonishing properties that arrive a fantastic culling to talcum powder without whatever of the potentially nasty side furnishings.

Table of Contents

  • one What Is Talcum Powder?
  • 2 What Is Cornstarch?
  • 3 Is Baby Powder Safe To Use?
  • 4 Do Any Baby Powders Contain Cornstarch?
  • v How To Make Your Own Cornstarch Babe Powder
    • 5.1 Ingredients
    • v.2 Method
  • 6 Can Cornstarch Be Used Safely Instead Of Baby Pulverization?
  • 7 Cornstarch On Diaper Rash: Is It Rubber?
  • 8 Tin Cornstarch Be Used On Yeast Infections?
  • 9 Other Use For Cornstarch Baby Pulverization
    • 9.one Dry shampoo for your pets
    • 9.2 Take care of grease stains on dress
    • ix.3 Get rid of bad odor
    • 9.4 Dry out up backlog moisture
  • 10 The Final Word

What Is Talcum Powder?

Talcum powder is fabricated from talc which is a mineral made up of other minerals such as magnesium, oxygen, and silicon. It is often used in dissimilar types of cosmetic products such as makeup.

But talc is also the main ingredient in baby powder which has been used for many years as a way to continue baby's pare dry out and free from rashes.

This is because it has fantastic moisture assimilation properties and can assist reduce friction where skin rubs together. But in the terminal few years, at that place has been a neat deal of controversy surrounding the use of talcum pulverization on a baby.

In fact, the American Academy of Pediatrics does not recommend the use of baby powder on your baby as it can cause respiratory problems and lung disorders if breathed in.

talcum powder in hand

In that location are farther doubts most its safe use on babies afterwards Johnson and Johnson's powder was linked to an increased risk of developing ovarian cancer.

Due to this, many parents have simply avoided using talcum powder on their children and instead have looked for a safer alternative.

What Is Cornstarch?

Cornstarch is 1 of these safer alternatives that many parents are at present using. Cornstarch is made of a food substance and not a mineral and so it contains no talc.

Cornstarch is just the starch that is extracted from the kernel of the corn plant. It has a very similar appearance to talc except that it has slightly larger particles and information technology has similar absorption properties to talcum pulverization.

Used in its intended capacity, cornstarch is plant in many soups, gravies, and sauces.

But it can also be used as an alternative to traditional talcum powder, mainly due to its great absorption and anti-friction properties. These backdrop accept too helped information technology to make its way into many commercial baby powders and diaper rash remedies.

Is Baby Powder Safe To Employ?

As we have said, in the last few years, a huge number of lawsuits were brought against 1 of the biggest babe brands, Johnson and Johnson for selling a baby powder that has been linked to ovarian cancer in adults.

While the link to cancer tin can exist very frightening, at that place is further controversy surrounding talcum powder. This controversy stems from the other ingredients added to infant powders.

In years gone by, the infant powder that was made from talc too independent a small amount of Asbestos. Asbestos is the term used for a grouping of minerals that are made of microscopic fibers.

Before we knew the dangers of Asbestos, it was widely used in building structure. When Asbestos is breathed in, information technology tin crusade permanent damage to the lungs and has been linked to cancer. Baby powder is no longer made using Asbestos.


Exercise Any Baby Powders Comprise Cornstarch?

Due to the controversy surrounding babe powders, many companies have developed products that contain cornstarch. Johnson and Johnson now make a cornstarch infant powder. It also contains aloe vera and vitamin E.

Both of these ingredients are known for their healing and soothing backdrop. It also states that the cornstarch pulverization that they use is free of parabens, phthalates, dyes, and sulfates. This corn starch alternative is quite affordable so it won't suspension the bank.

If you are looking to avoid the Johnson and Johnson brand, there are many culling brands that also produce a cornstarch-based baby powder. One of these is Burt's Bees dusting powder.

Burt's Bee states that its formula is 100% talc-free. It uses cornstarch and contains no phthalate and paraben-complimentary. This is also another affordable option for diaper rash.

How To Make Your Ain Cornstarch Baby Powder

If you want to get even more than natural and are looking to make your own cornstarch baby pulverisation, it is quite like shooting fish in a barrel and can be fabricated with ingredients that you would discover in your kitchen cupboards.

Information technology volition besides take yous less than v minutes and tin be stored for hereafter use. This is nifty for busy parents in our hectic globe.


  • one/4 Cup of Cornstarch
  • 1/4 Cup of Baking Soda
  • 2 Drops of Essential Oil, this is completely optional.


Identify all the ingredients in a bowl and stir. Make sure that all ingredients are well mixed. The optional essential oil is added in gild to add a odour to the powder.

If you research the countless essential oils, many of them take additional health benefits. Adding tea tree tin can help with diaper rash due to its natural antimicrobial and anti-fungal properties.

Mandarin tin be added when using your baby powder just earlier bed and has like effects to Lavender of calming and sedative effects.

Your homemade infant powder can and then be stored in a mason jar or something similar that has an closed seal. These are bang-up as they keep your powder dry out and forestall them from clumping together.

Tin can Cornstarch Be Used Safely Instead Of Infant Powder?

Cornstarch and baby powder has been used for many years in the treatment of diaper rash. Both present similar bug for use, particularly in very young babies.

In both cases, brand sure that neither your baby nor y'all exhale in the cornstarch or baby powder. The main concern here is that both cornstarch and baby powder can cause respiratory issues, according to the Academy of American Pediatrics.

Cornstarch On Diaper Rash: Is It Safe?

As nosotros have said, cornstarch has been used as a domicile remedy for diaper rash for many years. By and large, cornstarch is considered a safety treatment. In fact, information technology can relieve the pain and discomfort of diaper rash very apace.

However, if the rash is caused by yeast, and so cornstarch is not going to be an effective handling and you will need to consult a physician or pediatrician.

When using cornstarch to care for diaper rash, you lot do need to exist very careful and ensure that the powder just goes in the diaper expanse.

Y'all demand to keep the cornstarch away from your infant's face so every bit to avoid any risk of causing respiratory issues that accept been associated with inhaling the pulverization into their lungs.

Then as long equally you can prevent your baby from inhaling the pulverization by keeping it away from their face up, cornstarch is a safe alternative to traditional baby pulverisation.

Can Cornstarch Be Used On Yeast Infections?

Cornstarch powder is not effective in the treatment of yeast infections. In fact, information technology will brand the rash much worse. This will be your beginning clue that the diaper rash you lot thought your baby had is not the standard rash, only is a yeast infection.

Cornstarch makes yeast infections worse equally the yeast volition feed off the cornstarch.

If you lot discover yourself in this position, information technology is all-time to seek the help and advice of a dr. or pediatrician who can provide the right treatment to get rid of the yeast infection quickly and finer.

baby powder

Other Use For Cornstarch Infant Powder

Cornstarch baby pulverization has many uses besides in its handling of diaper rash. Many of its alternative uses will not only salve you time but money every bit well. Here are some of the best alternative uses for cornstarch babe powder:

Dry shampoo for your pets

Simply sprinkle some cornstarch powder into your pet'due south fur to absorb oil and dirt and then simply give them a good brush. They will look like they have only come from the groomers.

If you have used essential oil, they will as well scent great! Do check that any essential oils that you accept used are safe for your pets.

Take care of grease stains on clothes

Children are dirty petty creatures and oft ruin their clothes by getting stains on them. Grease stains were sure to ruin clothes before you used cornstarch powder.

Simply sprinkle the stain with the powder and rub vigorously. This will often get the stain out and potentially save you lot a  great deal of money.

Become rid of bad odor

Smelly shoes are a pain as the odour is very difficult to get rid of. Just by sprinkling a small amount of cornstarch pulverization in the shoe information technology will remove the sweaty odor.

You can also sprinkle some in the shoes before putting them on and this should avoid the smell from returning.

Dry out upwards excess moisture

Children come up off the embankment covered in sand. Using the cornstarch pulverization can dry upwardly the backlog moisture then allows the sand to be hands removed from their skin.

The Final Discussion

Cornstarch baby pulverisation is a great culling to traditional baby powder. It has great healing properties for diaper rash and this is why many of the bigger brands have now altered their baby powder formulas to include cornstarch instead of talc.

Equally with talcum pulverisation, there are some bug with the use of cornstarch pulverization on babies. With careful use and ensuring that the pulverization is kept away from their confront to avoid inhaling the pulverisation, there should be no reason why information technology is not rubber to use.

The power to make your ain custom pulverisation, where you can add together your ain essential oils is a great way to save money and be a lilliputian more environmentally friendly!

Hello, I'one thousand Emma and I'm a female parent to 5 beautiful children aged from 1 to 21 years one-time- life is hectic! I have learned so much along the fashion, non only from my own children but also through my professional life. In my positions every bit a Childminder and Didactics Banana, I have studied Child Evolution and The Early Years Developing Practice. I wish to share all of this knowledge and help y'all with your own parenting journey!