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With a Week My Dogs Had Fleas Again After Using Frontline

Are you even so seeing fleas later using a topical flea prevention treatment? What should you lot do now?

This is a question asked by frustrated pet parents with itchy pets every day.

You might be wondering if y'all applied it incorrectly, and if so, whether you should reapply. Or maybe the flea handling stopped working for your pet.

Hither's why you might still be seeing fleas and what you should do about it.

Is Information technology Rubber to Reapply a Flea Treatment Early on?

If you are finding fleas on your pet even afterwards applying your pet'due south topical flea handling, you might consider reapplying it early. Still, this solution is non always recommended and may atomic number 82 to an overdose in some rare cases.

There are then many different products available on the market, and so it is difficult to speak to all of them in wide strokes. To exist condom, you should e'er follow the instructions on your specific topical flea medication package.

Flea preventions typically utilise one or two active ingredients to practice the job of preventing fleas. Each brand volition apply dissimilar agile ingredients, and these ingredients will work in different ways to forbid fleas.

An overdose for most flea preventions could issue in the post-obit:

  • Profuse drooling

  • Vomiting

  • Tremoring

  • Hyperexcitability

  • Agitation

  • Seizures

  • Weakness

  • Difficulty breathing

Why Isn't My Flea Treatment Working?

You've been diligently applying topical flea prevention to your pets, simply you are even so seeing them scratch, and y'all might fifty-fifty exist seeing fleas. Here are four common reasons why this might be happening.

Incorrect Application of Flea Treatment

Incorrectly applying topical flea prevention is the about mutual cause for its failure to work. Flea prevention is expensive, and you don't want to waste a dose.

Topical medication should exist practical straight to the peel, not the hair. Y'all must part the hair and so that you can apply it to the peel at the base of the neck. Read the instructions on the packet; most direct you to apply it all in 1 spot on the neck, while a few will have you employ it to several spots along the back that the pet cannot reach (for larger dogs).

Be certain to completely empty the tube, every bit the liquid is measured for your pet'due south weight range and the unabridged dose is required to be effective.

How to Apply Each Make of Topical Flea Handling

Applying it correctly tin be very tricky because each type has a different way to open the tube and ensure that it dispenses properly. Here are the 3 major brands and how to utilize them.


  1. Agree the tube upright and turn the cap one full turn.

  2. Make sure the seal is cleaved but DO Non remove the cap.

  3. Cats: Part the pilus at the base of operations of the neck and utilise the entire tube to the pare. You can apply to a 2d spot directly behind the first if there is overflow.

  4. Dogs: Office the hair at the base of the cervix and employ to the skin; do this in one or more spots depending on the size of your dog. For larger dogs, choose 2 or three spots along the spine to continue the application.

Revolution/Revolution Plus:

  1. Hold the tube upright and press the cap firmly until you hear a click.

  2. Remove the cap and make certain that seal has been broken.

  3. Part the hair at the base of operations of the cervix and use the entire tube to the skin.

  4. Keep the tube squeezed so the liquid isn't sucked back into the tube.

  5. Brand sure the tube is empty.

Advantage Multi

  1. Hold the tube upright and remove the cap.

  2. Flip the cap upside downwards and push the tip into the meridian of the tube.

  3. Twist the cap to break the seal, and and so remove the cap.

  4. Cats and Dogs < 20 lbs.: Part the pilus at the base of the neck and utilise the entire tube to the skin. Dogs > 20 lbs.: Part the hair at the base of operations of the neck and apply to the skin; do this in one to iii more spots from the cervix to the upper back depending on the size of your canis familiaris.

  5. Keep the tube squeezed and so the liquid isn't sucked dorsum into the tube.

  6. Make sure the tube is empty.

Your Flea Medication Has Become Ineffective

While y'all tin can reapply flea treatment early in some cases, yous should talk to your veterinarian to find the best and most effective flea treatment for your pet.

Your vet will know which products are working well in your region, equally some that may have been effective at one time may no longer be killing fleas the style they used to. They may too accept personal favorites or recommendations based on your pet'southward item needs.

Your Domicile Hasn't Been Treated for Fleas

In conjunction with topical flea treatments, you need to treat your domicile to provide the best defense confronting fleas.

Most flea preventions exercise not repel fleas. Flea preventions kill fleas either by straight contact with the fleas or from the fleas feeding on your pet.

New fleas from the environment tin can—and will—jump onto your pet to feed. So, information technology'southward extremely important to care for your pet'southward environment, too. And it's not just adult fleas yous demand to watch out for, because they simply brand up less than v pct of the flea population.

You lot should be treating your dwelling house for adults plus the other 95 percent—flea eggs, flea larvae and flea pupae.

Flea eggs and larvae can live in the environment for days or weeks. It is best to regularly vacuum all the locations of your dwelling house where your pet spends time, launder all bedding in hot water, and continue your pets on flea prevention.

Not All of Your Pets Are on Flea Treatment

Don't forget to care for all of the dogs and cats in your firm, not but the itchy ones.

Some pets will scratch more than than others, but if one pet in the house has fleas, they all have fleas. All of your pets will need to stay on flea medication to prevent reinfestation.

Only considering you don't come across a flea doesn't mean they don't have fleas or don't need to be on flea treatment.

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