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Attack of the Killer Tomatoes Nes Review Mobygames

Somewhere betwixt Amend Homes and Gardens and When Animals Attack lies some other odd trivial series from boob tube history, Assail of the Killer Tomatoes. A spin-off of the wacky 'horror' pic of the same championship, this little feature was presumably nigh a lot of characters I never had the displeasure of coming together. Why Imagineering decided to develop a title based off the short-lived series, and why THQ decided this would be a gold star for its early portfolio is across me, but somehow the game got made.

Packed with the emotional complexity of a trip to the bathroom, this gem tells the story of a hero named Chad, the nemesis of an evil professor who plans to destroy the globe with a giant tomato rocket or some such nonsense. He has compatriots in the task, too, a fearsome group of tomatoes with awe-inspiring names similar Tomacho, Ketchuk, and Zoltar. They're all large, red, and anxious to plow mankind into a collection of corpses. Existence the great guy that he is, Chad won't stand up for such things, and so begins his epic quest to rid the world of killer tomatoes, the tomato rocket, and the biting old professor.

Accomplishing this goal is both simpler than y'all might imagine, and much more difficult. On the simple side of things, you lot have the game's length. Information technology's approximately five areas long, and that'south counting the outset one that Chad can breeze through in somewhere around a minute. The 2nd stage is longer and requires more than caution, as at that place are enough of greasy ledges that can dump him into the soup if you lot're not keeping a tight grip on the controller. So there's the agonizing third stage (that'southward where the challenge comes in), which is enough to make yous meet red, if you haven't seen enough already. From there, it's a downhill roll to the game'south end. Of course, for those who want a 10-minute platformer, this is just the thing.

Yes, it'south a platformer. I won't give you too much of a run-through on the details or I'll have described the whole game and removed half the signal in playing information technology, but let me say that in that location's actually not a lot of meat to Attack of the Killer Tomatoes. The first area is perhaps the most enjoyable, a straight-forward jog forth a street freshly exposed to the horror that is bouncing red fruit. You'll quickly find that Republic of chad's sole weapon in the game (except for in a single boss battle) is his set of tennis shoes; our bluish-clothed hero must hop on well-nigh every foe. And if the opponent can't be defeated by hopping, he most likely isn�t going to perish at all.

Every bit far as enemies go, there are tomatoes and then at that place is everything else. The tomatoes are a lively crew. In addition to the boss fellows I mentioned earlier (each of which is quite unique and forces Chad to utilize a different strategy), in that location are the routine foes. Some wobble blindly about on the ground, others equip themselves with armor, and a few even hop effectually the air like popcorn kernels left on a hot grill. The 'everything else' I mentioned is comprised by and large of robot artillery, acrid aerosol, and bats. These hazards are enough, though, because while Republic of chad certainly moves more readily than some characters from games long forgotten, at that place are definitely moments where you'll swear he's wearing bricks instead of sneakers (such equally when he plunges into a pool of acid he should easily accept been able to avert). If y'all've played The Simpsons: Bart vs. the Space Mutants, you lot might wonder if you're playing the same championship all over again. The controls feel precisely the same. They're just competent enough to inspire promise that y'all'll be in charge, simply awkward enough to lead to premature deaths at an alarming rate.

If you can cope with hopping nearly, though, you'll observe you've just about won the game. This is because the bulk of threats are easily avoided or demolished, with a little patience on your part and some fancy footwork on Chad�s. Also, fifty-fifty if the plucky hero happens to die, he tin still keep. The game provides him with three credits, and the same number of lives for each, so Chad is a bit like a cat in that he ends up with effectually nine lives to complete the whole routine. When he gets to the third stage, though, he might lose them all a few times over earlier yous figure out the puzzle that volition allow him to proceed.

Ah, the puzzles. Considering its length, Assail of the Killer Tomatoes packs a surprising number of mind benders into the mix. There are the organ-playing Ketchuk, the maze-similar corridors that immediately precede him, the reversed gravity in the third phase, and other threats too horrifying to describe. It feels similar one-half the areas you lot experience have some little quirk to them. I have to admire the try on the part of the developers. Information technology'due south a dainty touch.

Also nice is the game's visual presentation. The title screen oozes personality, and the cinema that follows does a practiced job setting up the story with an ounce of humor. Information technology's nothing like what we've seen in Playstation games since, only the setup for Set on of the Killer Tomatoes is more memorable than the usual viii-bit fare, just the same. A minor chuckle is almost guaranteed. What sort of freak names a tomato plant minion Zoltar?

When you lot're not looking at the opening scenes or championship screen, though, you're left with the rest of the game. Here the visuals impress a smidgeon less. While the first area is nicely detailed with good shades of blue and the outline of a cityscape (a fitting opener to the tale of a city mired in such horror), most of the rest of the game is typical platformer fare. The simply time you have reason to find much of annihilation is when you're trying to direct Republic of chad through the drably-illustrated maze, which involves heading into the doors backside him or the paths that pb toward the screen in a vague stab at 3D.

Then there's the sound, which bluntly is somewhat annoying. It'southward really fast and blippy, and no unmarried rail stands out as unique. They all blur together like a dawdling college professor. Fortunately, nil is then bad every bit to make a person'southward ears bleed. It'south all very manageable, more than because of the game's length than anything.

Unfortunately, that's a lot of what Attack of the Killer Tomatoes comes down to: length. It's a decent pleasure while it lasts, not the epitome of videogame greatness but certainly not atrocious. Other than the third phase and its frustrating layout, there'due south not much to complain almost. Then, yous suddenly realize it'southward all over. The end result is that this is one title you'll not likely spend more than an hr or 2 of your life playing. And in that brief span of fourth dimension, you may have beaten it into full submission. Pick it upwards if y'all discover information technology bundled with other games on eBay, or for 99 cents in the bargain bin at your local game store. You won't be sorry. Spend much more than that and you lot'll find yourself wondering if you've got tomatoes for brains.

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